JAKARTA - Men's singles badminton player Anthony Sinisuka Ginting is certain to not be able to participate in the World Championship in Copenhagen 21-27 August 2023.
The Head of the Men's Singles Coach, Irwansyah, ensured that Anthony Sinisuka could not go to Denmark because he was still in mourning.
The owner of the bronze medal at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics is grieving the death of his beloved mother Lucia Sriati, last Wednesday, August 9.
"Ginting cannot appear at the World Championships because she is still in a mourning atmosphere over the passing of her beloved mother," said Irwansyah in an official statement sent by PBSI to the media crew.
The absence of Anthony Ginting made the Indonesian men's singles only strengthened by Jonatan Christie and Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo.
The Indonesian badminton team departed for Copenhagen in two flying groups (cluters). The first batch departed Thursday, August 17 at 21.00 WIB from Soekarno-Hatta Airport with Turkish Airlines flight number TK 57.
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Meanwhile, the second batch follows with Emirates EK 359 airline. The cluster will depart on Friday, August 18 at 00.40 WIB.
"Please pray and support from badminton lovers, hopefully this team can perform optimally and can win the title," said Head of PBSI Development and Achievement Division Rionny Mainaky.
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