
YOGYAKARTA Some parents choose to equip early childhood children with martial arts. Not only to maintain health, but also as an effort to discipline themselves. There are several martial arts sports that are suitable for children.

It must be noted that children can be trained in martial arts from an early age. However, there are no standard rules regarding the age of how much training should be given to children. However, on average, parents start training at the age of 6. At this age, children can be invited to discuss and follow instructions. Therefore, children can be invited to think critically to practice discipline.

For parents who want to provide self-defense education for their children from an early age, there are several choices that can be an alternative, namely as follows.

The art of defending karate is a sport that focuses on self-defense with its bare hands. No weapons are involved in karate. Exercise will focus on the whole body so that motor motion will really be trained in karate.

karate martial arts is perfect for children, especially if they often use their feet and hands for activities. In karate children will be taught kicks and punches. In addition, in karate, moral lessons and character will also be taught as one of the foundations of self-defense.

Self-defense from Korea is also suitable for young children. In this martial arts, children will be trained kicks, punches, and jumps. These moves are good for training children's movements to be stronger and more focused. In martial arts, discipline, competitive attitude, and sportsmanship will also be trained. The type of child who is suitable for the art of martial arts Tae Kwon Do is active and has excess energy.

Jujitsu is very suitable to be taught to children who have a smaller body than children of their age. The reason is, this self-defense will train children to defend themselves against people who are bigger in body than themselves. In addition, jujitsu will also help children increase self-confidence.

This self-defense also helps children train their body movements because of the moves used to maximize the entire body, both blows and kicks.

Aikido is also no less attractive to teach young people. The reason is, this martial arts helps teach children to face conflict in a calm manner. This sport will focus on resolving in a calm manner, not to find opponents or fight directly.

Aikido is slightly different from other martial arts because it not only trains physically but also trains mind and calm. Even children are required to think smartly when facing conflicts and problems.

This self-defense is suitable for children who have not been able to control excessive emotions and energy.

Those are some martial arts that are suitable for children. You can visit the VOI.ID site to get other interesting information.

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