
YOGYAKARTA - The current poor air quality has made the government implement a new policy for vehicle owners. This policy is in the form of a vehicle emission test, be it 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Through this policy, we hope that the existing air quality can gradually improve.

In this regard, the policy of adrift of emission tests has been regulated through the DKI Jakarta governor's regulation (Pergub) No 66 of 2020. In this composition, it is stated that every vehicle that is 3 years old or older must explore gas emission tests. Not only that, the governor's regulation also emphasizes that this vehicle emission test can be tried once a year.

If there is a violation of the emission test, it will be subject to a sanction of Article 285 and Article 286 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Line Transportation. With an optimal fine of IDR 250.000 for motorcycles and an optimum of IDR 500.000 for cars.

In connection with this policy, in this post, the BFI Finance team has summarized meaningful points related to vehicle emission tests.

Vehicle emission tests are one of the efforts made to check the feasibility of vehicle engine performance, listed with the efficiency of burning tested through special equipment in workshops, dealers, and others. From the presence of checking machines to this efficiency, we can recognize whether or not the waste content of machines will affect the level of air pollution.

This understanding is in line with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which outlines that emission tests are one of the testing efforts to recognize machine performance and the level of combustion efficiency in vehicle engines.

Emission Test Method

The emission testing process for vehicles is divided into two, namely motorbikes and cars. At first glance, the process applied is the same, but there are certain things that are different. For more details, you can follow it through an explanation on this basis.

How To Test Motor Gas Emissions

How To Test Car Emissions

As for the car emission test process, reported by Smart City Jakarta, it has several stages. Among them are as follows.

So after knowing what vehicle emission tests are, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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