
JAKARTA - A woman with the initials DR (38), a resident of Tanjung Perawang, Pulang Pisau Regency and a man with the initials K (48), a resident of Jalan Veteran III, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan, who owns 99 grams of crystal methamphetamine, is threatened with 20 years in prison.

Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Palangka Raya Police, AKP Aji Suseno, confirmed that his members arrested two owners of methamphetamine weighing 99 grams on Saturday (14/12) at around 15.00 WIB, after their personnel received reports from the public on Jalan Veteran III.

"These two perpetrators who have also been named as suspects are subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison," said Aji, quoting Antara, Sunday, December 15.

Aji explained, before the arrest, his party received a report related to the rampant drug trafficking in the local area. After an investigation, his party got a target that had become the target of his operation.

As a result, the person who was suspected at that time was immediately arrested and subjected to examinations of the suspect's body, clothes and houses on Jalan Veteran III witnessed by the head of the local RT.

"During the inspection, our personnel managed to find a large package suspected of being methamphetamine with a gross weight of 99.92 grams which was placed on the living room table," explained the Head of Drugs at the Palangka Raya Police.

In addition, officers also secured one tablespoon of methamphetamine, one black plastic bag, one black duct tape, one pack of abon malkist food products, one unit of an orange VIVO brand cellphone, one unit of black OPPO brand cellphone and one unit of white Toyota Agya brand car with KH 1092 YC number without STNK.

"Currently, the two suspects suspected of having a network are also undergoing intensive examination by investigators, in order to develop the case and uncover the big city in the jurisdiction of the Palangka Raya Police," he said.

Before ending his conversation, Aji also emphasized that he had never indiscriminately taken firm action against drug offenders in his jurisdiction.

"Whether members and ordinary citizens are caught and commit these crimes, I will take firm action in accordance with applicable law," said Aji.

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