
The East Jakarta Metro Police have upgraded their status to the investigation stage on the report of a former employee with the initials DAD (19) who was a victim of abuse by the son of the owner of the Lindayes bakery in the Cakung area, East Jakarta.

"The case has gone up to the investigation stage according to the results of the case," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 15, morning.

In the near future, investigators will soon name the perpetrator with the initials GSG as a suspect in the case of abuse reported by a woman with the initials DAD.

"So the case is handled professionally and procedurally, starting from the investigation stage and now it has gone to the investigation stage," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a former employee of the bakery Lindayes was abused by the son of a shop owner with the initials GSH at the Lindayes Roti Shop, Jalan Raya Pegilingan, Cakung District, East Jakarta. The incident went viral on social media on Friday, December 13.

Following up on the viral video spread on social media, police officers from the Jatanras Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately went to the scene.

"We have checked at the crime scene (TKP) and coordinated with related parties to investigate this case," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cakung Police, AKP Kholid Abdi when confirmed, Friday, December 13.

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