
JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto rotated dozens of his members, nine of whom were Sector Police Chiefs (Kapolsek).

The transfer of position was stated in the Telegram letter number ST/453/XI/KEP./2023

"It's true, the TR is in the context of tour of duty and organizational refreshment to serve to protect the community," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, Wednesday, November 22.

Berikut ini daftar Kapolsek di jajaran Polda Metro Jaya yang dirotasi;

1. Kapolsek Kebayoran Baru will be held by AKBP Agung Wibowo, replacing Kompol Tribuana Roseno who was appointed in the new position as the first policy analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau in the context of Sespimmen 2024.

2. The Tambora Police Chief will be appointed by Kompol Donny Agung Harvida to replace Kompol Putra Pratama who was appointed as the first policy analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimmen.

3. Kelapa Gading Police Chief will be held by Kompol Maulana Mukarom replacing Kompol Vokky Herlambang who was appointed in a new position as Kaurlitpers Subbidpaminal Bidpropam Polda Metro Jaya.

4. The Pasar Minggu Police Chief will be held by Kompol Anggiat Sinambela replacing Kompol David Pratama Purba who was appointed in a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimmen.

5. The Menteng Police Chief will be held by Kompol Bayu Marfiando to replace Kompol Irwandhy Idrus who was appointed in a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimment.

6. The Head of Penjaringan Police will be held by Kompol Agus Ady Wijaya to replace Kompol M Probandono Bobby Danuardi who was appointed in a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the HR Bureau of the Polda Metro Jaya for the 2024 Sespimmen.

7. Kapolsek Batu Ceper Polres Metro Tangerang Kota will be held by Kompol Gunawan replacing Kompol Susida Aswita who was appointed in a new position as Kasubbagstrajemen and Bagren Polres Metro Tangerang Kota.

8. Kapolsek Cibarusah Polres Metro Bekasi will be held AKP Yendri Zen replacing AKP Arie Andhika Silamukti who was appointed in a new position as Kanit 19 Si BPKB Subditregiden Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

9. The West Cikarang Police Chief will be held by Kompol Gurnard Patiran to replace AKP Rusnawati who was appointed as the new Pama Polres Metro Bekasi Kota.

Then, the list of Deputy Chief of Police, Head of Traffic Unit, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, and Head of Narcotics, among others;

1. The Deputy Chief of the Tanjung Priok Port Police will be held by Kompol Robby Hefados to replace Kompol Yunita Natalia Rungkat who was appointed as the Head of Traffic for the South Jakarta Metro Police.

2. Kasatreskrim Tanjung Priok Port Police will be held by Iptu I Gusti Ngurah Putu Krishna Harayana

3. Kasat Reskrim Polres Metro Bekasi Kota will be held by Kompol Muhammad Firdaus replacing Kompol Tri Buana Yudha who was appointed in a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau in the context of Sespimmen 2024.

4. Kasat Resnarkoba Polres Metro Jakarta Utara akan dijabat oleh AKBP Prasetyo Noegroho menggantikan Kompol Slamet Riyanto yang diangkat dalam jabatan baru sebagai Analis Kebijakan Pertama Biro SDM Polda Metro Jaya rangka Sespimmen 2024.

5. Head of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Research Unit Kompol Rango is now appointed as the first policy analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimment

6. Kasat Resnarkoba Tanjung Priok Port Police is now held by AKP Arief Bastomy

7. Kasat Resnarkoba South Tangerang Metro Police is now held by AKP Bachtiar Noprianto

8. The Head of Traffic at the South Tangerang Police is now held by Iptu Rokhmatulloh, and AKP Narendra Rian Agusta who was appointed as the Head of Unit 10 Si STNK Sub-Directorate of Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya.

9. The Head of Traffic at the South Jakarta Metro Police is now held by Kompol Yunita Natalia Rungkat to replace Kompol Bayu Marfiando who was appointed in a new position as the Menteng Police Chief.

10. The Head of Traffic for the Bekasi Metro Police is now held by Kompol Nopta Histaris Suzan replacing Kompol Happy Saputra who was appointed in a new position as the First Policy Analyst for the Metro Jaya Police HR Bureau for the 2024 Sespimment.

11. The Head of Traffic at the West Jakarta Metro Police is now held by Kompol Ridha Poetera Aditya

12. The Head of PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya is now held by Kompol Hasby Ristama to replace AKBP Sutikno who was appointed in a new position as a Young Policy Analysis for PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

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