
YOGYAKARTA - From the beginning, when you heard the word Nuclear, of course, many people would think about the war and the impact that was produced by it was destruction and misery. But it turns out that not only nuclear is used for war as well, but it can also be developed as electricity through Nuclear Power Plants (PLTN). The question is until now, why has not the nuclear plant been implemented in Indonesia?

Utilization Of Nuclear Power For Electricity

The reason is, the way to use Nuclear Power is by using uranium as a source of heat. Actually, the principle of nuclear power is similar to the Steam Power Plant (PLTU). Namely using high-pressure heat vapor to turn the turbine. Later the turbine spin will become electrical energy.

However, it is not that simple with Nuclear, because a special reactor is needed to prevent an explosion that could endanger the community and the life around it. Then why doesn't Indonesia make it happen?

1. There Is No Evidence That Indonesia Is Rich In Uranium

Based on the results of observations from Member of the National Energy Council (DEN) Rinaldi Dalimi, the reason is that he explained that the Indonesian people had misunderstood by saying that in this country it was rich in uranium resources. In fact, until now there is still no valid evidence to explain the availability of these raw materials.

"I got data on uranium that for 130 years it was not true. Two former Minister of Research and Technology said uranium was abundant because at sea there was uranium. The existence of uranium we have no evidence of," said Rinaldy in a discussion on Energi Kita which was held independently.com, RRI, IJTI, IKN and Rentama at the Bumbu Desa Restaurant, Central Jakarta.

2. Limitation of human resources that are Expert in the field of Nuclear Affairs

The reason is, Indonesia itself has 3 nuclear reactors under the supervision of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN). Each is located in Bandung, Yogyakarta and Serpong. However, the nuclear reactor has not been optimally utilized.

Indonesia has also collaborated with several developed countries in nuclear development, but there are still limitations in the number and quality of nuclear experts in Indonesia.

Not only that, with the lack of official learning programs that focus on developing nuclear experts, it is also an obstacle in increasing nuclear experts in Indonesia, currently there is only 1 higher education that is studying nuclear science in Indonesia, namely at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

3. Community Rejection and Impact on the Environment

The mind of Indonesians towards nuclear is not very good. As we talked about above, people often claim that nuclear is just bombs and weapons of war, in fact, nuclear can also be a cheap source of power and can create enormous amounts of electricity.

The stigma that stuck to the residents caused an action against the construction of the PLTN because it was considered so dangerous and would have a negative impact on radioactiveness for health.

Not only that, the construction of PLTN can have a negative impact on the surrounding area, such as the impact of radiation, extensive land use, and an increase in the volume of radioactive waste. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate environmental and social impacts before carrying out nuclear development in Indonesia.

4. High Development Budget

PLTN development costs a large number of development budgets, because PLTN requires very sophisticated and complex infrastructure, and must meet very large safety standards because of the great risk capacity of nuclear accidents.

The pandemic has also created global economic uncertainty, which has made investors reluctant to take risks in investing in the nuclear energy zone, including PLTN. Moreover, our country is currently requiring great costs for the Capital Nusantara (IKN) project.

Not only that, the construction of PLTN also requires very expensive and very rare materials such as nuclear reactors, steam turbines, and safe nuclear waste processing and storage systems. These materials are only made by certain countries in the world and require Indonesia to carry out imports, which will definitely increase the PLTN development budget.

So after knowing why a nuclear plant has not been implemented in Indonesia, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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