
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) called Israel's attack on the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza on Monday (20/11) a condemned measure.

"This is a very cursed act that cannot be accepted for any reason," said Head of Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 21.

Sudarnoto judged Israel to be blind, deaf, unreasonable and alone, so blindly killing anyone, even people who should be protected and a place that should be protected.

He called on the entire country to continue to move together to make diplomatic efforts and other more measurable and effective efforts to suppress Israel and its supporting countries.

"United States President Joe Biden, who is said to have promised to be at the forefront of fighting terrorists, has betrayed him for defending Israeli zionists," said Sudarnoto.

MUI urges peace-loving countries to take measurable steps to convince, awaken and pressure the US to defend the truth.

MUI also encourages doctors and medical personnel as well as all cross-religious elements, mass organizations, and communities to build a humanitarian alliance to prosecute and propose Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and anyone involved in mass killings in Gaza, to the International Criminal Court.

MUI juga mendesak masyarakat internasional agar melakukan investigasi dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber yang tersedia terhadap kejahatan yang dilakukan Israel.

The MUI encourages the Indonesian government to take measurable steps to demand full responsibility from Israel legally, politically, and financially for its actions that kill innocent people and destroy Indonesian hospital facilities and other hospitals in Gaza.

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