JAKARTA - Candidate for Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka is known to have returned three times to the seat of General Chair Megawati Soakarnoputri before the draw for the serial number of presidential and vice-presidential candidates at the General Election Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.
Gibran arrived at the KPU with Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto. It was observed that Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar had already arrived at the venue. After some time, Megawati and her entourage arrived.
A number of general chairmen of political parties supporting the coalition that brought Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD were also present to accompany Megawati. For example, Plt Ketum PPP Mardiono, Ketum Hanura Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO), and Ketum Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
Initially, Anies and Cak Imin stood up to see Megawati arrive. Both immediately greeted the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.
When Megawati sat down, Gibran and his younger brother who is also the chairman of PSI Kaesang Pangarep approached him. The two sons of President Jokowi faced Mega, bowed and then fell (in front of his hands while looking down).
Mega also accepted Jokowi's two men's shaking hands. Reporting from Kumparan, Wednesday, November 15, Kaesang finally greeted OSO, while Gibran shook hands with Mardiono and Hary Tanoe.
The two then returned to their respective seats. It was Prabowo's turn to get out of the chair and then approach Megawati. The chairman of Gerindra then appeared and then saluted the daughter of the proclaimer Sukarno. After that Prabowo shook hands with Megawati. Not long after, the KIM presidential candidate shook hands with Hary Tanoe
Gibran followed behind Prabowo. The mayor of Solo then kissed the PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto who was sitting right behind Megawati. This means that Gibran has walked towards Megawati twice.
After this moment Gibran-Prabowo returned to their respective seats. Not long after, Gibran came back to Mega. He invited Kaesang to take part. Gibran embraced Kaesang towards Mega.
It is not yet known why this sister returned to meet Mega again. This means the time when Gibran visited Mega in his chair. Meanwhile, Kaesang twice. Then Gibran bowed again in front of Mega.
Meanwhile, Kaesang, who was wearing a PSI jacket, sat on his knees. He then held his hands down while talking a little at Mega.
Not long after that moment, it was only about 10 seconds. Mega was also seen responding to Kaesang, his mouth gestures were seen talking to Kaesang.
Gibran said that the moment of kissing hands was a form of respect. "Yes, what is clear is that he is a person I respect. The person who was the one who was the most appointed at the event yesterday. Yes, I automatically have to hang out and love him, including Kaesang Pangarep's younger brother," said Gibran at the Solo City Hall, today.
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