
TANGERANG Entering the political year, ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu), convection and wholesale of party t-shirts experienced an increase in orders. Along with the soaring demand for party t-shirts, custom t-shirt printing business players admitted to being selective in taking orders. Learning from the experience in previous years, not a few party t-shirt vendors felt cheated and suffered losses of tens to hundreds of millions.

Fifin (35), the owner of the plain t-shirt convection, admitted that his company has so far sold tens of thousands of party shirts, starting from June 2023 to the present. Fifin said the average order from outside Jakarta.

"Approximately 10 thousand pieces since June 2023. On average, one party has ordered a minimum of 1000 t-shirts," said Vivi when met by VOI in Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Tuesday, November 14.

Fifin explained that his party did not want to carelessly receive t-shirt orders, especially party shirts. Because, said Fifin, this was done to anticipate fraud that could potentially lose in his business.

Fifin admitted that his party only received orders from people or known parties. And even then, continued Fifin, he asked for a down payment of 50 percent of each party's t-shirt order.

"Selection of people we know, so it's really the tip of selection and we also ask for a 50 percent DP (face money). Usually 50 percent, process 20 percent and 30 percent repayment. Because we learn from previous people," he said.

According to Fifin, many party t-shirt orders actually entered his company. However, said Fifin, he refused because many did not want to give a 50 percent down payment as a condition for ordering.

"Actually, there are many, but he (the customer) chose to resign when asked for a down payment. Yes, what about it, because (his party-ed) was afraid of being deceived. For example, he disappeared, he had already paid for the ingredients, so it's just the service that hasn't yet," said Fifi, giving an example.

Despite giving orders (messages), Fifi admitted that his company had made a profit of up to 30 percent, since the start of the convection business for party t-shirts.

"It's been 30 percent, that's a lot when you haven't determined the number (candidates for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates). Because this is crowded per moment. Not every time people order party t-shirts," he said.

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