JAKARTA - The integrity pact signed by Acting Regent of Sorong Yan Piet Mosso circulated after a hand arrest operation (OTT) was carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Sunday night, November 12. One of the points in the document is to win Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).
Responding to this, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri will order his subordinates to check. Because he doesn't know about the document in question.
"I can't say whether it was confiscated by the KPK or not because I don't know yet," Firli told reporters at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.
"But I will check from where, where are my colleagues (know, ed) from. Whether it is in the KPK or not, the Deputy (Action and Execution, ed) can see the results of the confiscation search conducted by KPK investigators on suspicion of corruption committed by the Acting Regent of Sorong," he continued.
The documents circulating were four points and were signed by Yan Piet Moso as Acting Regent of Sorong and West Papua Kabinda Brigadier General TNI Silaban. There is no date mentioned there.
The four-point details are:
1. Fully support and implement the success of the central government program in the Sorong Regency Region;
2. Will not commit criminal acts of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN);
3. Fully reject all activities that are separatism and activities of the Free Papua movement in the region;
4. Ready to seek support and contribute votes in the 2024 presidential election, at least 60 percent + 1 for Ganjar Pranowo's victory as President of the Republic of Indonesia in Sorong Regency;
5. Bersedia menjaga kesedarasi sepenuhnya berkaitan dengan pembuatan Pakta Integrity ini.
Meanwhile, Yan was silent when asked by the media about the integrity pact that was circulating. He chose to immediately get into the detention car after being named a suspect in alleged bribery related to the examination of the Southwest Papua Province Financial Supervisory Agency (BPK).
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