
The Hang Nadim Batam Airport Police have arrested a prospective passenger who was caught carrying 10 packs of suspected methamphetamine-type drugs weighing 2.3 kilograms.

"Yes, that's right, a prospective passenger with the initials H was arrested at Hang Nadim Airport because he was caught carrying suspected methamphetamine weighing two kilos," said Head of the Iptu Davinsi Airport Area Police.

He explained that H was arrested after his suitcase was seen carrying suspicious items that appeared from the monitor of the X-ray machine when he was about to enter the airport.

Then, the officers immediately lowered the suitcase from the surveyor and checked the contents of the suitcase in the airport reconciliation room.

"After being examined, officers found 10 packs of suspected methamphetamine weighing two kilos," he said.

Knowing this, officers summoned the owner of the suitcase through the airport loudspeaker, but the passenger who owned the suitcase did not come to the reconciliation room.

The officer then searched and managed to find the owner of the suitcase. After being examined and admitted that the suitcase was indeed his, he was immediately secured to the airport police room.

"H ini rencananya akan pergi Lombok sebelum aksinya kami tahu dan berhasil kami penangkap," katanya.

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