
French President Emmanuel Macron said there needed to be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, reminding Israel of the value of life without double standards, while speaking at an international conference on Gaza in Paris, Thursday.

President Macron said there must be a humanitarian pause as soon as possible in Gaza and countries must also seek a ceasefire.

"All life has the same value and there are no double standards for those of us who have universal and humane values," said President Macron, launching The National News November 9.

"Strengthening terrorism can never be done without rules. Israel knows this. The trap of terrorism for all of us is the same, surrenders to violence and leaves our values behind," he stressed.

Earlier, President Macron also stressed the importance of protecting civilians and this could not be negotiated.

"Civil residents must be protected, this is very necessary and cannot be negotiated and is an urgent need," he stressed.

President Macron also urged the militant group Hamas to immediately release the hostages they detained unconditionally, at a conference attended by UN agencies and EU leaders.

On the occasion, President Macron also said diplomatic efforts must be continued, to realize peace in the Middle East through a two-state solution.

"We must learn from our mistakes and no longer accept that peace in the Middle East is always postponed," he said.

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