JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), the Press Council, and PWI expressed their support for the important role of quality journalism in the upcoming 2024 General Election (Pemilu). They conveyed a joint commitment to ensure that elections take place peacefully and maintain the integrity of the Indonesian nation.
The statement was made at a national seminar entitled "Jurnalistics Threatening Journalism," which was inaugurated by Kominfo Minister Budi Arie Setiadi in Jakarta on Wednesday, November 8. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu; Chairman of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun, and other mass media leaders.
The Minister of Communication and Informatics, previously a journalist, expressed his understanding of the challenges of presenting quality journalism in the digital era. What's more, the widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting journalistic work, including making news and articles.
Related to this, the Ministry of Communication and Information is committed to immediately completing the draft and implementing the Publisher Right regulations which are expected to benefit all parties.
The Press Council and PWI argue that Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding Publisher Right is very important in overcoming press challenges in the digital era. They see it as a solution to overcome various problems faced by the Indonesian people. In order to realize the vision of "Indonesia Gold" by utilizing demographic bonuses, inspiring, accurate, and objective quality information is key.
Budi Arie Setiadi emphasized the importance of election success by providing accurate and objective information. According to him, actual and factual news are the main elements of quality journalism.
The chairman of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, appealed to the press to remain neutral in the 2024 General Election. "Pers should not be a partisan, considering that the press will also not benefit from the election results," he added.
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Ninik Rahayu, Chairman of the Press Council, highlighted the need for Publisher Right regulations and incentives from the government to workers and the media industry, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Press Council and PWI also emphasized the importance of enforcing the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) as well as increasing the capacity and national insight of journalists through training and competency tests.
Central PWI, under the leadership of Hendry Ch Bangun for the period 2023-2028, focuses on education issues, journalistic competence, and increasing national insight of journalists to lead to quality journalism. "Of the nine PWI programs, seven of them are related to education," said Hendry Ch Bangun, who hopes that the situation and conditions ahead of the 2024 General Election will remain under control.
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