SURABAYA - For the Chairman of DPD AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, keris is the identity of the Indonesian nation because it has existed since thousands of years ago in line with the development of national civilization and is written in many inscriptions.
"Not a few historians have carried out research and writing about this Keris in the archipelago. And the existence of a Keris in the archipelago can be proven archaeologicalally through a number of inscriptions found," said LaNyalla when opening the Tosan Aji Reincarnation Art Exhibition Majapahit.
At least, continued LaNyalla, there were 11 inscriptions made between the VII century to the IX masehi, which narrated the existence of this archipelago keris. Starting from the Tukmas inscription in 842 masehi, to the Sanggaran inscription in 928 masehi.
"Therefore, UNESCO's decision to determine Indonesia's Keris as the Great Work of Humanitarian Heritage in 2005 was correct," he said again at an event organized by the Keluang Ageng Condro Budaya Foundation Aji Nuswantara at the Surabaya Youth Hall Building, Wednesday, November 8.
Meanwhile, regarding the often-sacrified keris, LaNyalla, who is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian National Secretariat of Urbanism (SNKI), reminded to be careful in looking at it. According to LaNyalla, every object can bring benefits, it can bring harm.
"Allah SWT sudah mengingatkan kita. bahwa devil dan syaitan akan terus berusaha mengulihkan kita ke dalam kemusyarikan sampai hari MATANG nanti. Salah satunya bisa melalui benda-benda yang digangungkan oleh manusia. Bukan hanya keris. Bisa apa saja," tutur Senator asal Jawa Timur itu.
For LaNyalla as a conservationist and collector of Keris, he realized that every object has an element consisting of molecules. All of these molecules can contain positive elements, they can also be negative. It depends on the situation and conditions.
"As a Muslim, I believe in the word of Allah in the Koran which states that nature and its contents carry a remembrance of Allah SWT. Trees, plants, mountains, even stones. This means that there is a movement of molecules in it. Likewise with heirloom keris. What is made on average from meteorite rocks," said the owner of 3000 Keris.
اقرأ أيضا:
He explained, there are three important elements of the heirloom keris. First, the ingredients, second is the maker or owner and the third is the holder. If all three are positive, then the keris is also good. That's what is called the yon-Yoni keris.
"But most importantly, it is us or humans who control the object. That is, keris is merely a means or tool to achieve the goal. Just like the Word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Hadid, paragraph 25, which says that Allah lowers iron as a helper, in defending the religion of Allah," he stressed.
Meanwhile, in his remarks Andi Budi Sulistiyanto (Gus Andi), the Chairperson of the Exhibition Committee said that the people of East Java, both officials and their people should not forget the history of Majapahit. Given that East Java has a legacy of civilization in the form of values and extraordinary symbols of the existence of Majapahit.
Representing the General Chairperson of the Indonesian National Secretariat of Perkerikasan (SNKI), Agung Wisnu conveyed his respect to LaNyalla. At the direction of LaNyalla, according to Agung, the Indonesian Certification Institute has now attended.
"About 2020 I once talked to Mr. LaNyalla, if in the field of banking it requires a banking certification professional institution. I was then met with the East Java Chamber of Commerce certification institution, after going through several processes, now there is an Institution for Certification of Certification of Certification of Certificates and has been included in BNSP," he said.
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