
JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) stated that Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat violated the code of ethics related to statements in public spaces. The Constitutional Court considers Arief to be degrading to the dignity of the constitutional court.

"The reported judge was proven to have violated the Sapta Karsa Hutama, the principles of appropriateness and politeness as long as it was related to statements in the public sphere that degraded the dignity of the Constitutional Court and imposed written warnings," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie at the Constitutional Court Building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Tuesday 7 November.

The Constitutional Court considers Arief to have degraded the dignity of the constitutional court in his interview in one of the online media on October 29, 2023. The interview contains Arief's statement that nine judges from the Constitutional Court must be reshuffled.

Arief is also said to have violated Sapta Karsa Hutama at the National Law Conference at the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN).

"Regarding the narrative of lectures at the National Law Conference at the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN) and interviews in the Medcom.id podcast, it was proven that they violated Sapta Karsa Hutama, the Principle of Presence and Politement as long as it was related to statements in public spaces that degraded the dignity of the constitutional court and brought down a written warning," he said.

The results of the examination of nine judges at the Constitutional Court regarding alleged ethical violations related to the Election Law were announced by the Constitutional Court today. The Constitutional Court previously examined the witnesses of the complainant and other related parties and then drew conclusions and held a Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court regarding the Constitutional Court's decision.

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