AMBON - General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board (PP) of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), Muhammad Jusuf Kalla asked the Maluku DMI regional administrators to repair all mosque loudspeakers.
This was conveyed by Jusuf Kalla after inaugurating the Maluku Province DMI Regional Management (PW) for the 2023-2028 period, at the Al-Fatah Grand Mosque in Ambon, Monday, November 6.
According to him, the mosque loudspeaker rules are actually good rules. Made so that the call to prayer, recitation or lecture at the mosque can sound syahdu and more meaningful.
The “Mosque must be conducive. If there are five mosques each expressing a loud voice, then people are confused about which ones want to be heard. So the mosque's voice should not be too loud. Don't surpass each other's mosques, so that the longing is lost, ” said Jusuf Kalla.
The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2004-2009 and 2009-2014 periods said that 75 percent of mosques in Indonesia have a loudspeaker system.
This, he said, could trigger the congregation's misunderstanding of the content of the lecture. In fact, 80 percent of the activities of Muslims in mosques are listening, while 20 percent are in the form of worship such as prayer.
The mosque's first program is to improve acoustics throughout Indonesia. If we come to the mosque, 80 percent of the time we listen to sermons, lectures, tausiah and recitations. If the acoustics are not good, then 80 percent of our time is lost,” he said.
He asked the takmir of the mosque to regulate the use of loudspeakers according to their designation, such as Howl Al Quran, so that the use of loudspeakers is regulated in duration only five to 10 minutes before the call to prayer.
The “Pak utama will be controlled by the mosques. Please recitate but don't be long and loud so that people enjoy it. Mosques that are useful to the community must be arranged as well as possible, ” ask Jusuf Kalla.
Responding to Kalla's explanation, the Governor of Maluku who is also the Chair of the Maluku DMI Regional Leadership (PW), Inspector General (Ret.) Murad Ismail, asked the Chairperson of the Maluku PW DMI Daily Leadership to follow up on the appeal of the DMI PP Chairman.
This is to maintain order between mosques in terms of loudspeakers and maintain religious tolerance
"Jadi saya minta ketua dewan masjid segera lakukan hal-hal yang disampaikan Pak Kalla tadi. Kita segera lakukan dan turun ke kabupaten/kota. Terima kasih pak atas pengingatnya kepada kita,” ucap Gubernur.
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