JABAR - The Cirebon City DPRD held a plenary meeting with the agenda of determining Eti Herawati as the Acting Mayor of Cirebon. Eti replaces Nashrudin Azis who resigned as a candidate for the legislature (caleg) of the DPR.
"The Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has issued Decree No. regarding the ratification of the dismissal of the Mayor of Cirebon and the appointment of the Acting Mayor of Cirebon," said Cirebon City DPRD Chairman Ruri Tri Lesmana in Cirebon, Monday 6 November, confiscated by Antara.
Ruri explained that Nashrudin Azis had entered the DCT for the 2024 General Election, then in accordance with the rules in Article 78 of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning the Regional Government for the dismissal of the position of Mayor of Cirebon needs to be carried out. "In addition, with the issuance of a decision from the Ministry of Home Affairs, said Ruri, this plenary meeting also stipulates that Eti Herawati officially fills the position of Acting Mayor of Cirebon for the remainder of the term of office ending in December 2023. "The issuance of the decision, legally dismissing the current mayor from the position which is then filled by Eti Herawati," he said. Regarding the dismissal, the Cirebon City DPRD gave the highest appreciation to Nashrudin Azis for contributing to the development in his area. Meanwhile, the Acting Mayor of Cirebon, Eti Herawati, who is now officially carrying out his duties as the number one person in his area, conveys his commitment to continue the priority program in order to improve the community until the end of his term. "A month of not long time, of course, a short time will continue what has not been completed, but if it is better, we will improve," said Eti.
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