
JAKARTA - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday disciplined a member of his cabinet for voicing openness to the idea of using nuclear weapons by Israel to fight Hamas in Gaza.

PM Netanyahu's office said in a statement that the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Amihay Eliyahu, from the far-right party in the coalition government, had been suspended from a cabinet meeting "until further notice".

When asked in a radio interview about nuclear choice, Eliyahu replied: "That's one way," as reported by Reuters on November 5.

His statement immediately came under fire from across the world of Arabia, causing problems for Israeli broadcasters and was deemed "unpleasant" by a US official.

Neither Eliyahu nor his party leaders are in a ministry forum that handles the Gaza war. They also have no deep knowledge of Israel's nuclear capabilities, which are not publicly recognized, nor the authority to activate them.

"Eliyahu's statement is not based on reality. Israel and the IDF (military) operate according to international law's highest standards to avoid harm to innocent people. We will continue to do so until our victory," said PM Netanyahu's office.

The Arab League said it was surprised by the comments and considered them disgusting.

"Israeli Minister Eliyahu's racist statement came as a surprise. Not only did he admit that they had nuclear weapons, but he also emphasized the reality of Israel's disgusting racist views on the Palestinian people."

Meanwhile, US officials criticized Eliyahu's statement,

"Obviously it was an unpleasant statement and the prime minister clearly stated that he (Eliyahu) did not speak on behalf of the government," said a senior US State Department official.

Eliyahu then responded in a post on social media: "Obviously to anyone who has common sense, that nuclear statements are only a metaphorist."

But he added: "Strong and disproportionate responses to terrorism are clearly needed, which will explain to the Nazis and their supporters that terrorism is useless."

Separately, a Hamas spokesman said Eliyahu represented "Israel's unprecedented criminal terrorism (which) is a danger to the entire region and the world".

In a Kol Barama radio interview conducted by Eliyahu, it was recorded that destroying Gaza would endanger about 240 hostages, including foreigners and Israelis.

"In the war, you have to suffer the consequences," the minister replied, adding he prayed for the return of the hostages.

Separately, former defense minister and retired military general Benny Gantz said Eliyahu's remarks had undermined "and, worse, adding to the suffering of the hostages' families at home".

As of Sunday, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has reached 9,770 juwa, of which 4,800 have been children since Israel blockaded and bombarded Gaza, after about 1,400 of its citizens were killed in the Hamas militant group attack on 7 October.

Meanwhile, health authorities in the West Bank said the death toll from Palestinians there reached 152 people and 2,100 others were injured.

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