Kudus Regency Government Collapses 7 Illegal Buildings In Tobacco Products Industry Center Area
Unlicensed building demolition in the area to build a tobacco products industrial center (SIHT) in Klaling Village, Kudus, Central Java, Friday (3/12/2023). BETWEEN/Akhmad Nazaruddin Lathif


The Kudus Regency Government (Pemkab) was forced to knock down seven unlicensed buildings on land owned by the government which is planned for the tobacco products industry center (SIHT).

Previously, the local district government gave a warning letter up to three times to the owner of the building. "Before it was torn down, we had provided socialization. Because we did not dismantle the building, we were finally given a warning letter," said the Head of the Manpower Office for Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Kudus Rini Kartika Hadi Ahmawati in Kudus, Friday, November 3, confiscated by Antara. In fact, he continued, a warning letter for land clearing in Klaling Village, Jekulo District three times. However, there are still some of them who do not heed even though some of them are dismantling their own buildings. The forced effort was taken because after there was socialization, then a warning letter was given, it had not been heeded. Meanwhile, the development activity schedule should have started since October 31, 2023. However, back to Friday 3 November. Even though the land occupied was not a resident's land, the district government also provided land that was used as a place to sell. Kudus district government only provided land, while the buildings were handed over to each business owner. "Later, they also have to pay land leases," he said.

Setelah lahan kosong dari bangunan yang dijadikan warung makan dan salon itu, selanjutnya akan dimulai pengerjaan pembangunan talut, pagar keliling, serta drainase. Adapun anggaran yang disediakan sebesar Rp21 miliar.Ia mengungkapkan bahwa rencana pembangunan SIHT di lahan seluas 3,7 hektare di Kecamatan Jekulo tersebut dengan anggaran sebesar Rp39,1 miliar yang bersumber dari dana bagi hasil cukai dan hasil tembakau (DBHCHT).

However, because the stages were too long and long, said Rini, the construction of 15 cigarette production buildings was finally postponed in 2024, while the existing budget was to build talut, a mobile fence, and drainage.

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