
JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR emphasizes the importance of Polri neutrality in welcoming the 2024 General Election. As a state institution, the National Police tasked with securing the election is expected to work professionally and uphold integrity.

The public has high hopes for the Police to provide security during the election stage. This security can be created if the Police are dedicated to presenting peaceful elections, including ensuring that all personnel are free from practical politics," said Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Gilang Dhielafararez, Thursday 2 November.

The Commission in the DPR in charge of security and law enforcement asked that Polri officials be role models for his subordinates. In addition to providing direction and supervision, said Gilang, Polri officials also need to set an example of implementing neutrality in the election.

"It is important for Polri officials to always maintain their credibility. Because the commander or official of the National Police is a role model for the ranks they lead," he said.

"If superiors work in a commendable way, then the subordinates will follow suit. Vice versa, if their superiors deviate, then their subordinates are not afraid to commit violations," continued Gilang.

Legislator dari Dapil Jawa Tengah II ini mengatakan, neutralitas Polri merupakan hal fundamental yang harus dijaga demi adilnya pelaksanaan demokrasi pada proses Pemilu. Apalagi, menurut Gilang, Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo juga sudah memberi peringatan tegas kepada jajaran Polri agar tidak berpihak terhadap partai apapun.

"Of course, the National Police Chief's commitment will continue to be guarded by the public, that the National Police will not side with Election participants and try to help create safe and peaceful elections," he said.

Gilang assessed that the role of Polri officials was very significant in the midst of warming political dynamics. The leaders of the National Police unit are also said to be the faces of the Bhayangkara Corps in each region.

For this reason, the leadership of the National Police unit and organs is reminded to provide clear directions to their staff. Including so that all members of the National Police can be firm and professional when faced with a dilemma situation that intersects with the realm of practical politics.

"Commanders and leaders of the National Police have a responsibility to remind their members not to get involved in political actions that can disrupt the democratic process," said Gilang.

"As law enforcers, members of the police do not commit violations. Moreover, ignoring the mandate of the law (UU) which regulates the neutrality of the Police in the General Election," continued the Deputy Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP).

As is known, Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia requires that every member of the National Police be neutral in politics. The regulation also regulates members of the National Police not to involve themselves in practical political activities.

On the other hand, Gilang highlighted the importance of Polri members carrying out their duties as election security personnel with high integrity. This includes the prevention of conflict, law enforcement, and protection of human rights (HAM).

"All forms of threats that can disrupt the smooth running of the election process, need to be anticipated by the police. The role of the Police is needed to ensure that no party wants to damage the course of the election process," explained Gilang.

Previously, the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police arrested 40 terrorism suspects, members of the Ansharut Daulah Congregation (JAD) who were said to be trying to thwart the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

Gilang said the National Police had the task of maintaining the safety and security of all Indonesian people.

"This success must be followed by other successes in terms of professionalism and integrity of the National Police in securing the 2024 General Election," he said.

"It also takes good synergy from the Police with other security agencies, such as with the TNI," concluded Gilang.

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