
Head of the Makassar City Communication and Information Office (Kominfo) Ismawaty Nur said CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) was considered quite effective in preventing and handling criminal acts in the Makassar alley (small road or alley).

"The benefits of CCTV in the tourist halls (longwis) have been felt by the public because there have been so many incidents of theft, conflicts that CCTV can quickly see them. From there the handling is easier," said Ismawaty as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 30.

The reason is, not a few street residents in Makassar City asked for CCTV footage through War Room to find out several criminal cases, such as theft, brawls between alleys and disputes between residents.

One example, said Isma, was when a resident of Rappocini often lost LPG gas cylinders, then the Diskominfo teamed up with the police to search the perpetrators through CCTV, as a result, the perpetrators were found and secured.

This CCTV also not only facilitates the handling of criminal acts in the alley, but also becomes a supervisory medium for RT/RW, village heads to sub-district heads in carrying out their role in providing excellent service to the community. Moreover, CCTV footage can also be monitored by every Lorong Council in Makassar City.

Currently, a total of 1,571 CCTV units have been installed in Makassar City halls since the CCTV program for this hallway was launched by the Makassar City Government in 2021. The Makassar City Government through Diskominfo targets 1,000 CCTV installed annually.

However, said the Head of the Makassar Communications and Informatics Agency, this target has only been achieved this year with the procurement of 1.071 CCTV units, which cost CCTV procurement of IDR 9.6 billion.

However, the CCTV procurement has not been able to complete the shortage of CCTV procurement in 2022, which only managed to be installed as many as 500 units. That's because the economic recovery is still being carried out until now after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As of this year, 2,000 CCTV points should have been installed, but we are still optimistic that next year we can achieve the target," said Isma.

This CCTV program has been carried out by the Makassar City Government for a long time, but it is only centered in the tourist aisle. From there, the Makassar City Government again launched CCTV programs in all corners and alleys of Makassar City.

"For ourselves, we can see the activities of the residents there because there is economic activity, for example planting chilies and lettuce, we can monitor it remotely," he said.

Appreciation for the procurement of CCTV was also felt by a resident named Shasa who lives in the Veteran area of Makassar. He said this CCTV could reveal various conflicts in the area where he lived, such as domestic violence (Domestic Violence) to persecution.

Therefore, local residents feel safe with the presence of CCTV whose recordings can be used as evidence for crimes that occur in the halls.

Therefore, the Makassar City CCTV Program is considered to be a medium of supervision, prevention as well as handling activities in Makassar-City alleys. At the same time, it is an extension of the government's hand to find out activities in various alleys in the City of Anging Mammiri.

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