
BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) immediately disabled teachers who were suspected of having committed bullying or threats against a high school student in Bengkulu City. "I have not received a report yet, but in principle, the government will not tolerate any activities or actions of individual teachers who deviate, are immoral, or do not show good examples. We will definitely impose strict sanctions," said Bengkulu Province Regional Secretary (Sekda) Isnan Fajri in Bengkulu, Thursday, October 26, confiscated by Antara. The unscrupulous teacher reported by the parents of one of the state high school students in Bengkulu City, continued Isnan, while being temporarily disabled and undergoing inspection of the inspectorate. Decisions related to sanctions or restoration of good names will of course only be given after the inspectorate completes the examination. "Of course, our initial steps will be deactivated first, maybe the person concerned will be withdrawn first to the office, so as not to teach while waiting for the process. We will send the inspectorate to carry out an examination, but if it has been handled by law officials, then they will both be carried out," he said. Previously, the parents of one of the state high school students in Bengkulu City reported the teacher with the initials AF who was suspected of bullying or threatening his son. "We report to the Bengkulu Province Inspectorate and BKD (Regional Civil Service Agency) because they bullied our child," said S student's parent, Zahara Wati. The professor was reported for carrying out an action such as saying S is threatened that he would not be able to take the exam because it was arregular or could not pay the school fees that were in arrears for six months.

Furthermore, continued Zahara, the teacher also underestimated that S would not be able to pay the cost of dance studio activities at school, if he wanted to participate in these activities. "Our child also had problems with other students. Then the mother said that if you were raped on the street, your friend would help you. What do you mean by being raped? Our child has been traumatized and has not attended school for a few days," said Zahara.

The teacher was also one of the things reported by other parents of students some time ago with the alleged bullying case as well. Students who were victims of bullying were also someone who suffered from autoimmune diseases. "The bullying received by the victim's child was verbal abuse, resulting in the victim's child being afraid when going to school," said Secretary General (Secretary General) of FSGI at that time, Heru Purnomo. Heru said the bullying behavior received by the victim's child also caused the child's health to decrease and often caused autoimmune diseases that had been suffered since 2017 to recur. "The bullying is strongly suspected to have been carried out by unscrupulous teachers and colleagues of the victim's class," he said. Now the student with the initials K has been transferred by parents to another high school which is also in Bengkulu City to get education in an environment far from bullying.

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