
JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to use its powers to end violence in the Gaza Strip and focus on humanitarian issues to avoid a bigger disaster than Hamas' war with Israel.

Foreign Minister Retno said that Indonesia wasted no time in mobilizing international support to take immediate action, with armed violence having been going on for more than two weeks since October 7.

Through the OIC, ASEAN and the ASEAN-GCC meeting, D8, Indonesia is calling for a united voice to urge an end to violence, to then focus on the issue of humanitarian disaster, said Foreign Minister Retno, saying that Indonesia is urging three things to be done immediately.

First, Indonesia urges an immediate ceasefire, not just remaining silent or supporting one of the conflicting parties.

"Silence amidst the deafening whistling of bullets and rocket explosions is appalling. Absolute support for one side has fueled the disproportionate use of violence, violations of international humanitarian law and impunity. It is our collective obligation to end the cycle of violence before it escalates into a disaster regional and global," explained Foreign Minister Retno in the UNSC High-Level Open Debate regarding the situation in the Middle East which was held in New York, United States, Tuesday local time, citing a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wednesday, October 25.

Next, Indonesia urges prioritizing humanitarian access. Foreign Minister Retno said that the lives of more than two million Gazans were at risk because of the lack of access to basic needs. Meanwhile, humanitarian aid convoys were hampered and threatened by gunfire.

"The DK must immediately urge safe and smooth access to humanitarian aid and respect for international humanitarian law," said Foreign Minister Retno.

Finally, Foreign Minister Retno said humanity must be returned to the UN Security Council.

"Please use your great power for humanity. Palestinians have the right to equal rights and treatment. We are all humans. We all have the right to have a home. We must reject the expulsion of Palestinians. Don't let the 1948 tragedy happen again," hoped Foreign Minister Retno.

"The DK has great power, and with great power comes great responsibility, to overcome the situation in Gaza and the root of the problem, and ensure the realization of a two-state solution," stressed Foreign Minister Retno.

It is known that as of Tuesday, the total number of victims killed in Gaza reached 5,791 people, including 2,360 children, 1,421 women and 295 elderly people, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, quoted by CNN. The ministry said there were also 16,297 reports of injuries of varying severity and 1,550 reports of missing people, with 870 of them being children.

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