
TANGERANG - Head of the Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Abdul Muhari said he would deploy 4 tons of water in handling the Rawa Cat TPA fire, Neglasari, Tangerang City.

It is known that the fire that occurred at the Rawa Cat TPA occurred on Friday, October 20. However, until now the fire has not been extinguished, because many materials are flammable.

Volume air 4,000 liters/dropping. About 4 tons per one bombing," Abdul said in a short message, Sunday, October 22.

Abdul hopes that with the surge in Water Boombing, the fire at the Rawa Cat TPA will be extinguished more quickly. So that people can carry out normal activities.

"We hope that with the support of the WB (Waterboombing) helicopter, the fire can be extinguished," he said.

The current achievement of the Water Boombing helicopter, said Abdul, is still in coordination with AirNav. He said that the Water Boombing helicopter will be carried out today.

"We are still coordinating with AirNav for permission and others. Hopefully, operations can be carried out as soon as possible. We will try today or tomorrow's maximum," he concluded.

Previously reported, AirNav Indonesia Corporate Secretary, Hermana Soegijanto assessed the importance of accelerating the handling of fires at the Rawa Cat TPA. The reason is that the smoke from the fire interfered with flights in the Soekarno Hatta Airport area.

"We have also coordinated with the scenario of the operation of water bombing helicopter flights by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to maintain flight safety while at the same time supporting efforts to deal with fires carried out by BNPB," he said.

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