
JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Head of the Geological Agency Muhammad Wadid said information regarding the discovery of a pyramid in Bakti Raja District, Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra, needs to be clarified and explained more carefully. "The initial explanation from Mr. Dani Hilman, the founder of the pyramid, is a very important starting point. However, the Geological Agency considers it important to detail several important points in this context," Wafid said in his statement in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, October 20. As an institution that focuses on geologies and the history of the earth, according to him, the Geological Agency has conducted a study and concluded that there are many doubts about the existence of civilization in the 75 thousand years ago, especially during the formation of Kaldera Toba. The conclusive evidence about civilization in that period is said to be minimal or even not found at all. "The Geological Agency does not yet have specific information regarding the discovery of the pyramid," he said. In the framework of a more realistic explanation, the Geological Agency noted two possibilities worth considering. Pertama, struktur yang tampak seperti pyramid mungkin adalah hasil dari triangular facet yang banyak di lipat Kaldera Toba. Second, a triangular facet may have formed after the formation of Kaldera Toba and later used by civilizations that emerged after the event, about 75 thousand years ago. "For additional information, in the history of human civilization, Homo sapiens continued its expansion and inhabited the Asian continent about 60 thousand years ago, with one wave of migration through the coast of the Indian Ocean," he said. He ensured that the Geological Agency was committed to continuing to review these findings with adequate resources and research. Researchers from the National Research and Initiation Agency (BRIN) found a premidator in the Lake Toba area, North Sumatra.
The pyramid is said to be in Marhun Toruan Village, Bakti Raja District, Hasundutan Regency. The surrounding community calls it Bukit A or Bukit Letter A.

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