
LEBAK - Multatuli's former house in the environment of Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Regional Hospital need to be revitalized as a cultural heritage by carrying out development to its original form and function.

"The revitalization of the Multatuli's house needs to be rebuilt by organizing the functions of the front room, kitchen room, and social meeting room, as a cultural preservation," said Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of Lebak Regency Imam Rismahayadin in Lebak, Banten, Antara, Thursday, 19 October.

During this time the condition of the Multatuli's official residence or Eduard Douwes Dekker's house, Assistant of the Dutch Colonial Period Resident who served in the Lebak Regency, Banten Province, was neglected.

Eduard Douwes Dekker occupied the house in 1856 and had become the headquarters of the Dutch colonial army in 1850.

The Multatuli's administration office was built in the 19th century and was used as a hospital in 1952 with an area of approximately 144 square meters. The house, continued Imam, was used as a cultural preservation by the Banten Province Culture and Tourism Office in 2011.

But until now the condition of Multatuli's house is abandoned and many have been lost, such as the window, door, glass, and tile. In addition there is

The walls that are perforated, peeling paint, ground floor, until the building is not perfect.

"We allocated the revitalization budget for the construction of the Multatuli's house, IDR 3 billion, but canceled due to Covid-19," Imam said.

Eduard Douwes Dekker is a figure of Indonesian resurrection for independence and is separated from the Dutch colonialism who blackmails the people, especially in Lebak. The story was revealed in his work "Max Havelaar" which has been worldwide.

"We hope that the house of the writer Max Havelaar can be revitalized by development in 2024 to become a real history of the Eduwes Douwes Dekker's struggle," Imam said.

Meanwhile academics from Latansa University Mashiro Rangkasbitung, Mochamad Husen, was concerned about the condition of the Multatuli's old house.

"We hope that Multatuli's official residence will be revitalized, so that it can be remembered by children and grandchildren because of the nation's history part," he said.

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