
BANDUNG - Bandung City Government (Pemkot) emphasized that it will continue to carry out the construction project for the Tamansari series of houses that have been built since 2020. Bandung City Regional Secretary, Ema Sumarna said the construction was being pursued so that people could immediately occupy the residence. "It's a development activity that has to run. It's been a few years, we've been thinking about a lot of people," he said when met at City Hall, Bandung, West Java, Thursday, October 19, which was confiscated by Antara. Ema explained that the Bandung City Government is trying to put the public interest first. So there needs to be a control so as not to prevent other residents from staying in a series of houses. “ There are about 190 of their heads of families if they continue to be hindered, enjoy the infrastructure that the Bandung City Government has prepared,” Regarding control, Ema asked outsiders not to interfere with the interests of many parties. He invited those who felt aggrieved to report according to applicable legal provisions. "Jadi jangan direcocok dengan hal-hal yang tidak berkaitan dengan operasional. Jangan terkait dengan isu HAM itu kan kita sudah berkeses,” kata dia. Regarding the certainty that residents can inhabit the series of houses, he hopes that this year they can complete the construction. So that people can quickly move to the residence. “ Residents can live in it until it's finished, if I hear this year it has to be finished. Next year they should have been able to enter, right,” he said.
Ema added, if the progress of the tower construction at the Tamansari series house has been completed and is ready to be occupied, he invites residents to start moving to these residences. “ If I want those who are finished, they are ready to be inhabited, so in installments they just start. You don't have to be together because if someone is ready, ” said Ema. Ema emphasized that the presence of Tamansari's series house was for the needs of the people who used to live in the area. So that the Bandung City Government prioritizes the housing for local residents. “ That's the right of people who used to live there, around that. In the future, it will be rented, but at a price that suits their ability, ” he said. Meanwhile, residents of RW 11 Tamansari Village, Coblong District, support the control of assets by the Bandung City Government, so that it can be completed immediately. So that people can immediately occupy the residence. "Can complete controlling assets supported by residents of RW 11 in collaboration with the Bandung City Government and Polretabes," said Syahroni.

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