YOGYAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the wives of state officials or civil servants within the Yogyakarta City Government to ask about the origin of their husband's income, especially those obtained outside of salary.
"If given money by the husband, his wife must ask where did this money come from, where does the ASN come from, if he has a business, what is his business," said KPK Director of Community Participation Development Kumbul Kusdwijanto Sudjadi after filling out Family Technical Guidance with integrity Yogyakarta City Government in Yogyakarta reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 18.
Kumbul asked ASN to be open with their wives or husbands regarding the details of the income obtained so that they can remind each other so that they do not fall into corruption.
"His wife also has to know how much her husband earns, what her husband does. There needs to be openness so that it doesn't happen again like hedon's life because it's not sufficient, in the end corruption," he said.
Eradication of corruption in Indonesia, said Kumbul, is like an iceberg phenomenon that is impossible to complete only with law enforcement without being accompanied by educational and prevention activities.
The family, he said, is a key element of prevention because not a few corruption cases in the country appear because they are influenced by family factors.
"Many perpetrators of corruption are partly due to the influence of their families, wives, then children and so on, so we remind them," he said.
Therefore, he said, the family's technical guidance with integrity followed by the Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta, the regional secretary, expert staff, heads of regional apparatus organizations (OPD), to the sub-district heads included each wife or husband.
"Why are there ASNs, there are officials, we have their wives present to collaborate with each other, synergize with each other, and remind each other not to be corrupt," he said.
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Kumbul said that the technical guidance of family integrity initiated by the KPK was not only held in the scope of the Yogyakarta City Government ASN, but would be continued throughout Indonesia.
After the program is focused on the provincial level in 2022, he said, this year it is targeting the district/city government level.
"Not only specifically for the city of Yogyakarta but throughout Indonesia because corruption is a common enemy. We remind all officials, all state administrators to serve the community well, carry out their duties properly, consistently, and committedly," said Kumbul.
Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta Singgih Raharjo said the technical guidance program from the KPK in collaboration with the Yogyakarta City Government was a means to remind ASN to avoid corruption.
The Yogyakarta City Government together with the local inspectorate, continued Singgih, have an early warning system accompanied by inherent supervision of each ASN to prevent potential corruption.
As a commitment to eradicating corruption, he emphasized that he had prepared structured regulations by involving the Yogyakarta City Government SaberPungli Team, the police, the Kodim, and the role of the community.
"If there is (corruption) then there are indications, of course we will take coaching steps and so on. So this is part of the 'early warning' (early warning)," he said.
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