
JAKARTA - Israeli authorities estimate that hostages held by Palestinian militant Hamas are being placed underground, said Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus on Wednesday.

"The reason states that they are underground," Lt. Col. Conricus told CNN as reported on October 12.

"Common sense also dictates that Hamas, because they planned to launch this attack and planned to take these people hostage, then common sense dictates that they plan in advance the location to hide these hostages and keep them safe from Israeli intelligence, as well as efforts to remove them," he continued.

Conricus further said that the situation of the hostages was a "very sensitive and complex topic". Although Israel has "experience" in hostage situations, we have never faced anything like this, he added.

"Not in the scope, not in the magnitude, and not in the complexity of where our hostages are," Conricus said.

Previously, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN said that Hamas militants were holding as many as 150 people hostage in various locations in Gaza.

Meanwhile, World Catholic Church Leader Pope Francis called for the immediate release of the hostages, saying "terrorism and extremism do not help achieve a solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, but fuel hatred, violence, revenge and cause suffering for both sides", as quoted from Reuters.

"I continue to follow, with pain and fear, what is happening in Israel and Palestine. So many people are being killed, and others are injured. I pray for the families who saw the holiday turn into a day of mourning, and I ask for the immediate release of the hostages," said Pope Francis.

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