
JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Harun Sulianto, said that the immigration service approach to the community can prevent cross-border trafficking (TPPO) in the Serupun Sebalai Country.

"We always ask immigration officials to bring their services closer to the community in anticipation of TIP across countries in this island province," said Harun Sulianto, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He said that in preventing the cross-border TIP case not only by optimizing immigration services, but also in synergy with the police, prosecutors, local governments, and other stakeholders.

"We consider the service of immigration ranks in this area to be good, however, it must be improved again so that there are no cross-border TIPs in this area," he said.

The Head of Immigration Licensing and Information at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Babel Darori added that in preventing TIP, his party carried out law enforcement in a synergy and maximized the role of foreign surveillance teams in each region.

"The TIP modes vary, such as marriage, contract marriage, internships, companies scams, and exploitation," he said.

According to him, although the potential for TIP in Babylon is relatively small and does not become a TIP center area, but there is no potential so it must remain vigilant and closely monitored.

"We have to protect citizens from the crime of trafficking in persons, even though in Bangka Belitung from the economic, socio-cultural, religious and political aspects, this is unlikely to happen, but this must still be monitored. Especially now that TIP modes are various kinds, such as promising citizens to work abroad with large salaries," he said.

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