
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has drawn conclusions about the cause of death of a mother and child whose bodies were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok. From a series of investigations and investigations by a number of parties, GA and DA were declared dead as a result of suicide. "It is also concluded that (the cause of death) they committed suicide or suicide," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters, Friday, October 6. This mother and child chose to end their life by locking themselves in a small bathroom. Then, blamed the counts so that the room was filled with smoke. Moreover, all the ventilation holes were found to have been closed. "By confining themselves in a narrow space covering an area of 1.8 meters x 1 meter with a height of 2.3 meters. In addition, these twoselves were burned," he said. That conclusion was strengthened by the absence of other people's DNA in the bathroom, which is where the bodies of GA and DA were found. As well as the winning door locked from the inside.
As a reminder, the bodies of two suspected mothers and children with the initials GA and DA were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok, Dari pendalaman sementara, keduanya diperkirakan telah meninggal lama. Sebab, saat ditemukan kondisi keduanya sudah sangat sad.

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