JAKARTA Not only traders at Tanah Abang Market complained about the lack of visitors buying merchandise. Complaints also came from a number of porters (services for lifting goods) who often hang out at Tanah Abang Market.
The silence of visitors at Tanah Abang Market makes the porters look relaxed, they just sit back waiting for visitors who want to use their transportation services.
"If the conditions are quiet now. As fitting as the COVID-19 era, it is still quieter now. We are cool, now the term is porter. If (visitors) don't shop, we don't have pelvis (food items)," said Beta, one of the porters who has worked in Block A Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta, Thursday, October 5.
Beta, which has worked as a porter since 2015, also doesn't really understand why the Tanah Abang market place is quiet.
"I don't know, sir, where does the effect come from, whether the economy has slumped from the regions, or before the election. Even though in the past it was Covid, it couldn't go anywhere even though it used a vaccine card (entered Tanah Abang Market). There are still many pelvis, now it's been (silent)," he said.
Beta said, since COVID19, he has easily earned Rp200 thousand. But currently, his income has dropped dramatically. Even on Thursday, October 5, afternoon, he has not earned a single income.
"Now it's Rp. 200 thousand, the seller can't," he complained.
اقرأ أيضا:
Beta said that the income from the pelvis of goods could not be evenly hit. Because, continued Beta, he usually gets a salary of IDR 30 thousand to IDR 100 thousand.
"It depends on the number of items we bring, depending on the people giving (wage). Before COVID, we don't hang out much like this and offer services (transports). Many calls (from shop owners), where are you? Take goods sent to expeditions, take them to the parking lot. Now we are dizzy," he told VOI.
The lack of goods transportation services has begun to be felt by Beta since July 2023 until now. In fact, he continued, before July, the pelvic services were still decent. "After entering July to September, it was severe," he said.
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