
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko held a meeting with the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bappenas to discuss further steps to the cooperation program for the development of Korean fighter aircraft Fighter X and Indonesia Fighter X (KFX/IFX) together with South Korea (South Korea) which took place at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta. Moeldoko assessed that there were three major issues that were present in the continuity of the cooperation program. First, regarding the rights of intellectual property, agreement systems, as well as marketing rights. The three issues, according to Moeldoko, need to immediately find solutions to continue the continuity of this collaboration. "In this collaboration there is also a bet of political relations between the two countries, do not let this be at stake and we have to think seriously about it," said Moeldoko, Monday, October 2. In addition to harmonization of such bilateral cooperation, Moeldoko also conveyed the involvement of technology transfers from such fighter jet projects. This project also relates to the development of our human resources, so that our engineers can control technology that is also more advanced,'' he said. As previously stated, the cost sharing allocation had experienced delays, so that renegotiation was needed regarding this problem. Where if it is in accordance with the agreement, then the engineering, manufacturing, and development (EMD) program in the fighter jet project was completed in 2026. However, this cannot be implemented because Indonesia still has to pay off the cost share payment. From the budget side, Moeldoko said that this matter has become a decision from the Ministry of Finance.. "Initially, we are excited then poco-poco [forward] and now we are excited again but the state finances will another, "said Moeldoko.

For information, Indonesia is collaborating with South Korea in the development of KFX/IFX fighter jets. Two countries agreed in the US$8 billion or Rp121.35 trillion project. In that project, Indonesia will get a transfer of fighter jet technology. The project is estimated to produce 120 fighter jets for South Korea and 48 fighter jets for Indonesia. According to the agreement, Indonesia bears 20 percent payment. On the occasion of the meeting, Moeldoko also said that he would meet with the Minister of Defense of South Korea on the coming TNI Day, October 5, 2023.. "I will try to talk about this cooperation later," concluded Moeldoko.

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