
JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden on Sunday urged Republican members of Congress to support a bill to increase aid to Ukraine, saying he was sick and tired of the political abyss that almost led to the shutdown of government services.

The Democratic president said this after Congress passed a temporary bill on Saturday, extending government funding for more than a month and averting a government shutdown that could have left most of the federal government's 4 million employees without pay and cut various services.

The bill, which passed with broad support from both Democrats and Republicans, prompted Republican hardliner Matt Gaetz to vow to oust House Speaker and party colleague Kevin McCarthy.

Valid until November 17, the bill does not include aid for Kyiv. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam's country is the main supporter of Ukraine to face the Russian invasion, with President Biden continuing to gather support to maintain this assistance.

President Biden said Republicans promised to pass the aid through a separate vote.

"Under no circumstances can we allow America's support for Ukraine to be compromised. I fully expect McCarthy to maintain his commitment, to secure the path and support necessary to help Ukraine, as they defend themselves from aggression and brutality," President Biden told journalists at the White House, reported by Reuters, October 2.

When asked whether he could trust McCarthy to honor the deal, President Biden said: "We just made a deal on Ukraine, so we'll figure it out."

Meanwhile, a White House official said President Biden was referring to the Republican Party's promise to pass separate legislation on this issue.

Last month, President Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a visit to Washington of US support for Ukraine's war to expel Russian occupying forces, despite opposition from some Republican lawmakers.

President Biden also urged Republicans to move quickly to avoid another crisis in November.

"This limitation must end. And there must be no more crises," he stressed.

"I strongly urge my Republican friends in Congress not to wait. Don't waste time like you did all summer. Pass a year-long budget agreement. Honor the agreement we made months ago," he said.

On the other hand, President Biden refused to consider whether the Democratic Party should support McCarthy, if he needed their votes to retain his post as speaker of the House. The president said he would leave that decision up to Democratic leaders in Congress.

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