
Prestige Aviation brought a unit of EHang 216 to appear at the KAI Expo 2023 Hub SPACE X event. President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), also a number of former ministers, was present and saw firsthand the flying car' technology.

When he saw firsthand the EHang 216 Autonomous Air Vehicle, Jokowi did not hesitate to try to sit in the cabin of the unmanned aircraft.

"Flying taksi, wah menarik. Pak Presiden sangat excited (antusias) mencoba itu. Dan Pak Presiden mau mencoba, kita akan coba. Tapi memang satu teknologi baru itu pasti kita harus terima dengan baik," kata Budi Karya, dalam keterangannya, Minggu 1 Oktober.

Budi said that RI plans to develop the vehicle as public transportation. But one thing to remember is about security. Therefore, to realize the dream so that flying vehicles can become entrepreneurs in Indonesia, the government must finalize its regulations.

Furthermore, Rudy Salim, Executive Chairman of Prestige Aviation, explained the specifications and various advantages of EHang 216 directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

"I believe Urban Air Mobility is the future of Indonesia's transportation. Hopefully, with our commitment, we can advance Indonesia's transportation," he said.

He also stated that he was ready to invest and conduct flight tests at IKN (Nusantara Capital), such as EHang, which has been tried with passengers in several countries including China Netherlands and Austria.

Among several other stands, the Prestige Aviation stand seemed to be filled with visitors to the event who were enthusiastic about seeing the EHang 216 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (Autonomous Aerial Vehicle) which was tested directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. The EHang 216 unit that appeared at this exhibition was IMI's official aircraft (Indonesian Motorcycle Association).

EHang 216 is an electric 100% aerial vehicle, so it is environmentally friendly equipped with 16 propellers and 8 foldable arms. As for its flying capability to reach an altitude of 3,000 meters, it can travel as far as 35 kilometers in just 21 minutes with a maximum load of 230 kg (2 passengers).

More than 30,000 successful flights, both cargo and passengers in various countries such as Japan, Korea, the United States, Dubai, Qatar, Canada, Indonesia and China.

Autonomous aviation technology at EHang 216 eliminates possible failures or damage caused by human error so that security is guaranteed.

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