
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Viva Yoga Mauladi, responded to the discourse of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is said to have the opportunity to become a companion to the presidential candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres). Viva emphasized that PAN would wait for the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) on the lawsuit for the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. PAN, he said, would accept whatever the Constitutional Court's decision would be. "We are waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court. Whatever the Constitutional Court's decision, PAN will obey because it is final and binding," said Viva when contacted, Saturday, September 30, 2023. Moreover, according to him, the difference in the electability of the presidential candidates is not too far away. PAN encourages SOE Minister Erick Thohir to become a vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo in the upcoming presidential election. "So it requires an electoral contribution from the vice presidential candidate," said Viva. Viva also confirmed that the name of the prospective vice presidential candidate accompanying Prabowo would be announced before the registration day at the Indonesian KPU on October 10, 2023. So that on the D day of registration, there was already a presidential and vice presidential candidate from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). "Before the door to registration by the KPU was opened, there was already a candidate pair for Pak Prabowo," explained Viva. Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees Hashim Djojohadikusumo said Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka was the most ideal young figure who could accompany the presidential candidate of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, Prabowo Subianto. "I think it's no secret that Mas Gibran is one of the candidates for vice president," said Hashim in his statement, quoted on Saturday, September 30. Heshim assessed that Gibran was able to complete Prabowo as a senior figure who had been poor across the world of politics in the country. Meanwhile, Gibran, he said, is a figure who can represent the voices and thoughts of young people.
" Pak Prabowo senior politician aged 72 years, full of sweet experience and bitter experience. Mas Gibran, his age is about 35 or 36 years if not mistaken, this could be 'balance' so I think very well, "he explained. Prabowo's younger brother has no problem with Gibran, who has just had a career in the national political arena. Regarding experience, according to Hashim, it will increase when President Jokowi's eldest son becomes vice president of Indonesia for the next five years. "Mas Gibran lacks experience, but later as vice president for five years or more, his experience can increase," he said. Even so, Hashim said, his party was still waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. "It all depends on the decision of the Constitutional Court that we all look forward to," he said.

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