
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) oversees a report from the Solidarity of Human Rights Violation Victims (SKP-HAM) related to the case of the disappearance of Police Brigadier Agil Sufandi since 2019 in Jakarta. "We have received a direct complaint report and immediately conducted an analysis of the complaint within the next 7 days," said Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro in a meeting at the Central Sulawesi Komnas HAM Office, Palu, Friday 29 September, which was confiscated by Antara. Atnike said that the complaint report received from SKP-HAM Central Sulawesi and the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) would later be submitted procedurally into a report document, including face-to-face Komnas HAM with the victim's family at Komnas HAM Central Sulawesi. "Comnas HAM meeting with SKP-HAM and the victim's family will immediately be followed up so that the case is clarified according to expectations," he said. After the complaint analysis, Komnas HAM could set a step to follow up on the case of the disappearance of Brigadier Agil Police. "We hope that there will be clarity and how much opportunity to follow up on the case, then what will be followed up," he explained.

Direktur SKP-HAM Nurlaela Lamasitudju berharap pertemuan langsung dengan Ketua Komnas HAM bisa mendapat titik terang terkait dengan keberadaan Brigadir Polisi Agil.Dari informasi yang diterimanya, ditemukan Brigadir Polisi Agil tidak lagi berkomunikasi dengan keluarganya dan dinyatakan hilang pada tahun 2019.Polisi itu bertugas bertugas di Kabupaten Banggai, kemudian mantan pimpinannya meminta yang bersangkutan untuk menjaga rumah di Jakarta karena pada waktu itu pimpinannya menunaikan ibadah haji."Berdasarkan keterangan ayahnya, korban hilang setelah terakhir pamit pergi ke Jakarta untuk menjaga rumah mantan Kapolres Banggai yang menjabat pada waktu itu," ungkapnya.Dari keterangan keluarga, korban sempat menghubungi via telepon dan bercerita tentang kekecewaannya terhadap pimpinannya yang saat itu memintanya untuk menjaga rumah."Kasus tersebut sudah dilaporkan pihak keluarga kepada polisi. Namun, tidak mendapat titik terang soal keberadaan anaknya," kata Nurlaela.

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