
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region High Prosecutor's Office (DIY) confiscated two plots of land belonging to the former Head of the DIY Land and Spatial Planning Service (Dispertaru) Krido Suprayitno in Purwomartani Village, Kalasan District, Sleman Regency, related to the land mafia case.

Head of Legal Information at the DIY Prosecutor's Office, Herwatan, said the confiscation had been marked by the installation of two notification signs on the assets.

"We installed the land confiscation plaque that Robinson gave to Krido on September 27, 2023," said Herwatan, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.

Herwatan said the two plots of land covering an area of 997 square meters and 881 square meters were gifts from the defendant in the Robinson Saalino Land Mafia case who is also the boss of PT Deztama Putri Sentosa.

The confiscation was based on the Decree of the Yogyakarta District Court Number: 19/PenPid.Sus-TPK-SITA/2023/PnYyk dated September 6, 2023 regarding the Case of Alleged Corruption in the Utilization of Tanah Kas in Caturtunggal Village, Sleman Regency by PT Deztama Putri Sentosa on behalf of the suspect Krido Suprayitno.

With this legal action, according to him, various parties are prohibited from buying and selling, occupying, using, controlling or committing other legal actions without the permission of the DIY Prosecutor's Office.

"This confiscation will be used as evidence," said Herwatan.

Previously, the former Head of the Land and Spatial Planning Service (Dispertaru) DIY Krido Suprayitno himself had been named a suspect in the village treasury mafia case by the DIY High Prosecutor's Office.

While serving as Head of Dispertaru DIY, Krido allegedly received gratuities from Robinson in the form of two plots of land located in Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Regency in 2022 covering an area of 600 square meters and 800 square meters for Rp4.5 billion, respectively.

In addition to land, Krido allegedly received a cash gratuity of around Rp. 211 million which was withdrawn from the BRI account ATM on behalf of Novy Kristianti, Robinson's wife.

The former Head of the DIY Dispertaru has returned the gratuity money related to the case to the DIY Prosecutor's Office, reaching a total of IDR 4.7 billion which was paid in installments eight times through his attorney from July 18, 2023 to September 12, 2023.

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