
Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto spoke about the opportunity for the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa to become a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election.

Initially, Hasto said, his relationship with Khofifah was good. In fact, they often meet when they are in the East Java region.

"We often meet Mrs. Khofifah asking how the relationship between all elements of society in East Java, especially the PDI-P," Hasto told reporters at JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, quoted on Friday, September 29.

This good relationship, he continued, has existed since Khofifah was still a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives until she became Chairman of Commission VI. However, he did not want to talk much about Kans Khofifah as Ganjar's vice presidential candidate.

According to him, anyone who accompanies Ganjar will be caught from the voice of the people, who will then be considered by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. In addition, the voice of the general chairman of the supporting political parties will also be considered.

Meanwhile, Ganjar was also supported by the United Development Party (PPP), the Hanura Party, and the Perindo Party.

"It will be arrested all through deep considerations that have been carried out for a long time by Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri in a dialogue with the general chairman of the political party that carried Mr. Ganjar Pranowo in a detailed, long, in-depth dialogue with President Jokowi," said Hasto.

Only Megawati knows but the dialogue with the political party leaders has been carried out. Our job is to prepare everything, the narrative is, if A is like this, the B is like this, the C is like this," he continued.

As previously reported, Hasto had revealed that Ganjar's vice presidential candidate was not only a man but also a woman. The statement was made in response to the possibility of the figure being present during the PDIP Rakernas IV.

Initially, Hasto said, the Rakernas IV will focus on food issues. PDIP wants food sovereignty to be carried out in the future.

Meanwhile, regarding the announcement of the vice presidential candidate, said Hasto, the time is still long. This is because the registration of presidential and vice-presidential candidates to the General Election Commission (KPU) will only be held on October 19-26.

"So the priority scale now is to sharpen the narrative about Indonesia's future which will be carried by Mr. Ganjar and Mr. X and then... also Mrs. X. That's right," said Hasto to reporters at the PDIP DPP, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 25.

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