KPU Will Distribute The Logistics Of The DKI Election Next Month
The ballot box is part of the logistics of the Election/ Photo; Antara


JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) will distribute logistics for the 2024 General Election, such as ballot boxes, ballot booths, and ink, in October 2023.

"The mechanism for sending election logistics is carried out by providers (logistics, ed.) to KPU warehouses at the district/city level," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPU Planning, General and Logistics Division Nelvia Gustina, quoting Antara, Thursday, September 28.

He said that the election logistics production process had started on September 25, 2023 November 18, 2023. Even though the production process reached November, the distribution of election logistics still began in October 2023.

"The logistics production is not only one type. So, those that have been produced can be distributed directly," he said.

Nelvia explained the number of election logistics procurements that had been ordered through e-catalog for the DKI Jakarta area, namely 123,152 ballot boxes, including reserve ballot boxes totaling 88; as many as 123,064 polling booths; and 61,532 bottles of election ink.

Meanwhile, the election logistics in the form of a new ballot will be printed in December 2023 because it is included in the second phase of logistics procurement.

Procurement of the second phase of the election logistics need must wait for the process of determining the permanent candidate list or DCT because it contains the names of the candidate list.

"So far there have been no obstacles in the procurement of election logistics," said Nelvia.

Based on KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2022, there are currently nominations for DPD members, DPR, Provincial DPRD, and district/city DPRD, and will end on November 25, 2023.

Meanwhile, the nominations for president and vice president will begin on October 19 November 25, 2023.

The campaign period will last less than three months, namely on November 28, 2023 February 10, 2024.

Furthermore, namely the voting period and vote count which will take place on February 14-15, 2024.

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