
PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto denied the relationship between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. This issue broke out after President Jokowi's youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep joined the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). "Mrs. Megawati, Mr. Jokowi, has a emotional bonding, has a future design," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 25. One of the emotional ties, continued Hasto, can be seen from the existence of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). “ So the politics should not see what is seen on the surface, look at its inner relationship, commitment to the future, commitment to the people,” he said. Furthermore, Hasto also responded casually to the joining of Kaesang to PSI, not to PDIP like his father and brother, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. According to him, everyone has rights. " “ So the PDI Perjuangan continues to move, whose name is politics moving downwards," he said. "Of course every citizen is guaranteed a constitution for association and assembly," continued Hasto. He assessed that Kaesang's joining PSI did not suggest that President Jokowi would support Prabowo Subianto. It is known that the party bearing the rose symbol is currently close to the defense minister's camp, which is supported by the Indonesia Maju coalition. This is because Jokowi is said to have a long history with Megawati. In fact, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta is said to have participated in the discourse of a replacement for him long ago. "That's a surprise that will appear in the 2024 presidential election and it is carefully prepared together by Megawati's mother, both by PDI Perjuangan and also by President Jokowi," he explained. As previously reported, Kaesang officially received a membership card (PSI) on Saturday, September 23. He joined because he had good communication with the party cadres and had the same desire, namely to bring young people more active in politics. " “ We have something in common, we want young people to be more involved in the public sector because in the election young people are usually used as passive objects. We want them to be active objects because after all, Indonesia's future for young Indonesians," Kaesang told reporters as quoted from the Surakarta News YouTube account.
After joining, Kaesang did not have a position or was still an ordinary cadre. PSI is currently working on the right position for Jokowi's youngest son.

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