
JAKARTA - Occupants of the Buddhist Rusunawa Tzu Chi Muara Angke protested against the Jakarta DPRD candidate from the National Awakening Party (PKB) who claimed clean water assistance from Perumda PAM Jaya. Residents asked these candidates not to take the opportunity in the midst of narrowness.

According to Henidar, one of the residents, he felt that the legislative candidate used him. The legislative candidate took advantage of the residents' difficulties for his personal interests.

"I mean, don't take advantage of this moment for the personal interests of the candidate," he regretted.

Responding to residents' complaints, PAM Jaya Service Director Syahrul said that there were no legislative candidates on behalf of themselves as sending clean water assistance from PAM Jaya. According to Syahrul, PAM Jaya sent water tanker trucks to Muara Angke Flats based on residents' requests.

"This delivery can usually come from residents' requests directly to PAM Jaya. Or also because PAM Jaya sees having to move the provision of water to residents because of certain cases," said Syahrul when contacted by the media crew via text message, Friday, September 22.

In a water crisis condition at Muara Angke Flat, Syahrul emphasized that PAM Jaya is trying to maximize the delivery of clean water aid. The delivery of this clean water tank is a temporary solution for meeting the water needs of residents in the flat.

Accused of claiming assistance from residents, Jakarta DPRD candidate from the National Awakening Party (PKB), Tri Waluyo admitted that he was not aware of the clean water delivery business. According to him, at that time he was out of town for the past few days.

"Incidentally, I've been in Java for three days, so what is the problem with clean water, I'm actually not claiming it and I don't know this either," said Tri, Friday, September 22.

Tri also admitted that he was surprised why there were residents who mentioned that they had claimed the clean water assistance.

He has also confirmed this polemic to the field team and received information that there is a former head of the RW who has contacted PAM Jaya regarding the clean water crisis in the flat.

PAM Jaya then sent assistance in the form of a clean water tank which was previously requested by the former head of RW 011 Pluit, known as H. Khafidin.

"In fact, I immediately confirmed it to the team, whether anyone sent clean water. Some said the language was like 'I sent it, former RW 011 Pak Haji Khafidin, only PO was in my name (Khafidin) and I never brought this from the legislative candidate, from this, I didn't bring it, only this is our concern as a society'," explained Tri imitating the words of the former chairman of the RW.

"But I have never had any news or there is news, Mr. Tri, we sent this, Mr. Tri, we assisted this RT, this RW, I don't have any such reports yet. Because I happened to go directly to Java," he continued.

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