
JAKARTA - The 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Law (UU APBN) has been ratified by the DPR. The message from the Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, who asked the Government to carry out the 2024 State Budget fairly for the people, was considered very relevant, especially in the last year of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration.

Economic expert Piter Abdullah Redjalam explained that all Ministries/Institutions must absorb the budget as much as possible for the people. That way, the state budget in the last year of President Jokowi's leadership will be more targeted.

"In my opinion, Puan Maharani's sympathetic message is very relevant and must be supported by all ministries or institutions, especially considering that 2024 is the last year of Jokowi's administration," Piter said, Friday, September 22.

In the 2024 State Budget, the House of Representatives and the Government agreed on state spending next year of IDR 3,325.11 trillion and financing of IDR 522.8 trillion, with a state revenue target of IDR 2,802.3 trillion.

During the ratification of the 2024 State Budget Law, Puan hoped that the 2024 State Budget could be fully utilized to improve government public services in order to improve people's welfare. Piter said that Puan's message must be translated as a warning so that the Government will continue to prioritize the needs of the people even though next year is the year of changing government.

"With a welfare-based budget approach, the performance of the APBN is more determined by the achievement of improving people's welfare," said the Executive Director of the Segara Research Institute.

Piter also highlighted how the 2024 State Budget will become a budget for the transition from President Jokowi to a new president. He said that the 2024 State Budget is the final APBN from the Jokowi government as well as the first Presidential State Budget to be elected in the 2024 Presidential Election.

"Therefore, the 2024 State Budget does not only play a role in completing President Jokowi's performance, but is also the starting point of the program and performance of the President-elect 2024," said Piter.

The lecturer at the Perbanas Institute also detailed Puan's other message, namely that the welfare-based budget concept can be used as a reference for every Ministry and Institution in proposing its budget for the coming fiscal year. Piter assessed that the message must be interpreted so that populist programs continue to be prioritized.

"Hopefully, despite the change of government leadership, people's welfare programs can continue and be sustainable," he said.

Piter also agreed with Puan who advised that the 2024 State Budget be used to complete Jokowi's priority programs. Including the National Strategic Project (PSN) so that it can be completed on time.

One of the projects included in the target of completion in 2024 is the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap (Getaci) Toll Road which will span 206.65 km from West Java to Central Java.

In addition, the construction of the Masela Oil and Gas Block located in West Maluku Regency. The Masela Block will be the largest oil and gas field in Indonesia, one of President Jokowi's mainstay PSN which is expected to be completed in 2024.

"Because this is a kind of homework (PR) that Jokowi must complete in order to leave a good legacy," explained Piter.

The member of the Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency (BSBI) also appreciated the solidity of the factions in the DPR in discussing the 2024 State Budget Law. Piter said that the DPR and the Government had succeeded in presenting a careful preparation of the 2024 State Budget even though it was carried out at a time when politics had heated up ahead of the election.

"The 2024 State Budget Law is proof of the strong synergy between the DPR and the Government which is reflected in the process of drafting the 2024 State Budget in the midst of a series of preparations for the 2024 election," he said.

The birth of the 2024 State Budget which puts forward the concept of a Welfare-Based Budget is also said to show harmony between executive and legislative institutions that are in line with the direction of national and state development.

Piter highlighted how when the DPR parties had differences regarding the 2024 presidential election, in parliament the factions remained united in working to provide the best budget for the people.

"The spirit of competition in the election does not dampen the cohesiveness of all factions in the DPR together with the Government in agreeing on the 2024 State Budget which is really needed to continue the national development process after the pandemic," said Piter.

Moreover, according to Piter, many people are currently still trying to bounce back from the economic side after more than two years since Indonesia has been in the era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and creative economy players, including the tourism industry.

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