
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin encouraged the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) to formulate a zakat withdrawal technique to optimize the potential for zakat which reaches Rp350 trillion.

"We know the huge potential for zakat, now how to take it. Baznas must formulate how to take it. Let's formulate the technique of taking it," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Hal at the opening of the 2023 National Coordination Meeting Baznas in Jakarta, Wednesday.

The vice president received a report from the Chairman of Baznas that the potential for zakat reached Rp350 trillion. However, he said, only a few percent of that potential could be withdrawn.

He also reminded the importance of trust from the community in order to distribute zakat through Baznas.

The Vice President further asked Baznas to formulate various ideas translated into new innovations in the management of Islamic social funds, especially ZIS (Zakat Infak, and Sedekah) and other religious social funds, in order to be able to be part of alternative solutions in efforts to improve people's welfare and eliminate extreme poverty in Indonesia.

These efforts, according to the Vice President, are closely related to matters of improving the quality of health, social protection, education, and various other social aspects, so that the handling must be synergized.

In addition, the Vice President requested that synergies and collaborations between ministries/agencies and local governments, universities, the business world, and industry in potential sectors, as well as relevant stakeholders be intensified.

"There is no target that is impossible to achieve if each party continues to make its best contribution," said the Vice President.

Furthermore, the Vice President asked for an increase in the use of digital technology in an integrated manner so that the collection, distribution, and management of ZIS and other religious social funds would achieve more optimal results. "I know that digitalization has been carried out in the management of zakat," he said.

The Vice President hopes that this year's Baznas National Coordination Meeting can become a productive and transformative forum, and be able to produce significant program recommendations to increase public trust, especially muzaki, so that they are encouraged to fulfill ZIS through BAZNAS as the main institution for the welfare of the people.

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