
JAKARTA - A number of actors involved in the porn film case after undergoing examination by investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya said they were framed and lied to by the suspect with the initials I who acted as director and producer.

The male and female porn film actors were investigated at the Ditreskrimsus building at around 19:00. The female cast with the initials SKE, AB, MGP, VV, ZS, while the male cast was BP, UR, FA.

To reporters, the cast almost all spoke the same thing, namely feeling victimized and trapped in the case of an adult film production house.

"Here I feel like I am a victim of a fraud from the producer that makes it legal to turn out to be illegal," said the actor with the initials BP as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 19.

In addition, ZS' attorney, Jabarudin Wukuf, explained that his client was the victim of suspect I.

"In our opinion, we must convey that our client is a victim," he explained.

Furthermore, the actor with the initials FA explained that suspect I explained that the production of this film was legal.

"We say this is a legal film, a legal entity has a personal lawyer, Brother I, he said this is a legal entity, so we try to play it because our brains are led by the opinion. This is legal, 'You don't have to be afraid to play this film', like that," he explained.

Likewise, one of the female actors with the initials VV said that the payment was not what the suspect I said, which was Rp. 10 million to Rp. 15 million.

"Not according to what was said, only around Rp. 1 million to Rp. 2 million," he said.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak revealed 12 of the 16 actors with details of eight women and four men in the adult film case met the summons of Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday.

"Today, the presence was confirmed and we are conducting an examination by the investigation team of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, of the 11 female 'talents', eight of whom were present and fulfilled the investigator's summons," said Ade Safri.

Ade explained, of the five adult film male actors, there were four cast who had complied with the summons of Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

"Regarding the five male 'talents', it was confirmed that out of the five present were four people, one was not present," he said.

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