
AMBON - Ambon Island Police Satreskrim investigator completes the case file for alleged criminal acts of persecution until the victim dies with suspect AT alias Abdi (25), the son of the Ambon City DPRD chairman after the file was returned by the prosecutor.

"The case file is still equipped with investigators according to the prosecutor's instructions since the first phase was handed over some time ago," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police, Ipda Janete Luhukay, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 19.

AT has been named a suspect by the police since Monday (30/7) 2023 after being suspected of committing a criminal act of mistreatment of Rafli Rahman Sie (18) on Sunday (29/7) 2023 at 21:10 WIT.

Initially, the suspect was charged with Article 351 Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code regarding persecution resulting in the death of a person and is now again charged with violating Article 354 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code.

According to him, at the beginning of last week, files were transferred but the prosecutor was given instructions to complete them by asking for additional witness statements such as an autopsy and neurologist.

Previously, it was suspected that the perpetrator AT alias Abdi beat the RRS victim's head three times in the Tanah Lapang Kecil (Talake) area, Nusaniwe District, Ambon.

The incident that led to death began when the victim and witness Muhammad Fajri Semarang (16) rode from Ponegoro to their brother's house in Talake.

Witness Muhammad Fajri told the police that initially he and the victim rode on a motorbike from the direction of Ponegoro to his brother's house in Talake to return a jacket.

When he entered the gate in the Talake Mosque, he and the victim passed the perpetrator and almost hit the person concerned. Then the witness looked back and saw the alleged perpetrator while walking after them.

After arriving in front of his brother's house, the victim was still wearing a helmet and sitting on a motorbike, and the witness had gotten off the motorbike, while the suspect immediately approached them and without asking questions immediately hit the victim on the head who was still wearing a helmet once.

The AT perpetrator told the victim with the Ambon dialect "If Maso (if he enters) the complex people, give them the voices of the brothers".

Then the perpetrator hit the victim again on the head for the second time, then the victim said that they were riding motorbikes slowly.

After listening to the victim's explanation, the alleged perpetrator again threw a blow for the third time at the victim's head and at that time the victim's brother came out of the house saying if something happened then the alleged perpetrator was responsible.

As a result of the beating, the victim fell on a motorbike while placing his head on the wheel of the motorbike in a state of faintness.

The victim was then evacuated to his brother's house, but did not wake up, so he was rushed to the Army Hospital, dr. Latumiteten Ambon at 21.25 WIT, and was finally declared dead by the medical team at around 21.45 WIT.

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