
LAMPUNG - The Environment Agency (DLH) claims that the coastal coast of Lampung Province, which is affected by waste pollution, has been cleared.

"Regarding the impact of the waste polluting several locations on the coast, there has been a cleaning of the location some time ago," said Head of DLH Lampung Province Emilia Kusumawati in Bandar Lampung, Monday, September 18, quoted by Antara.

He said, with efforts to clean up the impact of the waste pollution, the coast in some of these locations had returned to clean.

"This year, not much compared to last year, on the coast of South Lampung Regency, there were only 311 sacks in Tanggamus, on the West Coast there were 100 sacks that were successfully cleaned, now all of them are clean from waste contamination," he said.

He explained, to determine the factors causing the waste pollution, his party could not confirm because the results of the laboratory examination had not yet been released.

"The laboratory examination has not yet been released, this is still waiting for the results, because this takes time. And actually this is the authority of the ministry, for the factors that will cause the ministry to convey it to the local government when the inspection has been completed," he said.

He continued that the sanctions for his party had not yet been decided because they were still waiting for the results of laboratory examinations to ascertain the factors causing waste pollution in coastal areas.

"Sanctions are usually administrative by cleaning, then stopping temporary activities, and providing compensation to affected fishermen. Criminal sanctions are usually carried out if there is an act of intentionally dismantling waste, but for this case we are still waiting for the results," he added.

It is known that some time ago, waste disbursement was found on the coast in West Coastal and South Lampung Regencies.

On Thursday, August 24, the DLH Lampung Province identified black waste that polluted the coastal coast in West Coastal and South Lampung Regencies.

The implementation of the identification of black waste that causes environmental pollution on the coast in Lampung Province is not only to find out the source of the pollution but also to find out the type of waste, so an investigation is carried out using fingerprinting techniques and after that the results are submitted to the ministry for further examination in the laboratory.

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