
JAKARTA - PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin has officially received support as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) to be promoted in the 2024 presidential election accompanying Anies Baswedan. The support was decided after the PKS held the 8th shuro assembly deliberation.

For this support, Cak Imin asked for prayers and blessings from all Indonesian people to become the 14th vice president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Initially, Cak Imin expressed his gratitude, joy and joy for reading the decision of the PKS Syuro Council tonight.

"For the trust given, of course as the chairman of the PKB welcomes and with joy, ready to work together, PKB-PKS welcomes victory in 2024, winning the AMIN pair," said Cak Imin in his remarks, Friday, September 15.

As a candidate for vice president, Cak Imin said the mandate given to him and Anies Baswedan would be part of the spirit of realizing a just, prosperous and prosperous Indonesia.

"The togetherness between me, Mas Anies, and PKS has actually been around for a long time, both in the legislature, executive, and in the special regional government of the capital. PKB-PKS cooperation, is reflected, we are jointly in the 2014 coalition," said Cak Imin.

"My togetherness with Almukarom Habib Salim together became part of Pak SBY's cabinet. Togetherness today is a reunion, and togetherness to welcome a more advanced, fair, prosperous Indonesia," he continued.

Cak Imin also said that the togetherness of PKB, PKS and NasDem would strengthen Islamic, national and humanitarian brotherhood. Both ukhuwah is Islamic, wathoniah, and basyariah.

"Hopefully this togetherness will really be realized in great work in the success of the 2024 General Election as well as picking up and winning AMIN in the upcoming presidential election," said Cak Imin.

In Anies-Cak Imin's declaration as a presidential and vice presidential candidate, PKS also put up a billboard with a picture of the two of them in front of the PKS DPP office on Simatupang street, South Jakarta.

"Please pray for the blessing and support of all the people, the Indonesian nation. We are ready to bring hope, the aspirations and trust of the people for the progress of our nation," he said.

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