
The murder case of Mohammad Sapto Sugiyono (42), the Head of the Bureau of an online media in Jombang, East Java, has begun to be revealed. Suspect Moch. Hasan Safi'i alias Daim, 55, claimed revenge.

"Based on provisional information from the perpetrators, namely because of the old demdam against the victim. But we are still investigating," said Jombang Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Hari Kurniawan, Friday, September 15.

Police are still investigating the motive for the murder carried out by the suspect Daim, a resident of Jombang Village, Jombang District, against the victim who is none other than the perpetrator's neighbor. The victim was brutally murdered on Thursday night, September 14.

"Information we received, the victim was killed by being shot with an air rifle, then tricked by the perpetrator named Daim (55)," he said.

Hari emphasized that the motive for the grudge was still temporary. Considering that it is still in the process of intensive investigation by officers and is still limited to one-sided information from the perpetrators.

"Meanwhile, from the statements of the perpetrators, the perpetrators proposed to the victim because every effort carried out by the perpetrator was always disturbed by victims, ranging from odong-odong businesses to selling plastic bags," he said.

The police previously arrested a murder perpetrator until the victim died in Sambong Duran, Jombang Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency.

The perpetrator was Moch. Hasan Safi'i alias Daim, 55, a resident of Sambongduran Hamlet, Sambongdukuh Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency, the victim's neighbor.

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